Gabriel De Hautegar

-The Black Fox-

«Life and Death, one and the same.»

A link to all my OCs > Khada's OCs

RaceElezen, Wildwood
AlignementChaotic Evil
ProfessionWandering Knight/Bounty Hunter
CasteFormer Noble
AffiliateHouse Fortemps
RelationshipMarried to Michael Lasteyrie
Sexuality⚣ -Dominant Top


TattooArcanic tattoo on both arm and pectorals.
PiercingTwo on his tongue. Nipples (both).
ScarsMany scars on his body.

Voice Claim (Toshiyuki Morikawa)

Gabriel is a lone wolf. He's hard to be around, not because he's annoying but mostly because he's not going to open up to anyone. As far as we know, only his little brother ever managed to make him smile and laugh.He know Death pretty well and even got claimed by her once but got saved by his Mentor and he swore to never cross that line anymore.But if you manage to get pass all those walls surrounding his heart and soul, you will probably find someone soft and dominant all the same. 50/50

Introverted✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧Extraverted
Observant✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦Intuitive
Thinking✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Feeling
Prospecting✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧Judging
Turbulent✧ ✧ ✧ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦Assertive

Gabriel's childhood was rather calm, he was a normal and kind child with everyone, always with a smile on his face. When he was 7 years old, he was surprised to have a little brother, Evariste. From that moment on, Gabriel was a little put aside by his parents because Eva was a genius, but he didn't mind, he kept repeating that he would be his little brother's knight protector forever. But being without his parent’s attention too much affected his mind, he lost his real smile little by little to replace it with a fake one.Gabriel's adolescence was quite hectic when he announced to his parents that he wanted to join the ranks of the Heaven’s Ward. His father, not very happy with the news, threatened to throw him out if he didn't change his mind. Gabriel resigned himself to his father, but he still spent the interview in secret. Gabriel was then 18 years old, Evariste only 11 years old. One day, while hanging around the Cathedral, he found a claymore sunk into the stone with an Enochian inscription. Unable to remove it, he began to study this language, which had been unknown to him until then. After almost a year of research and study, he finally managed to decipher the inscriptions. "To him who takes the blade out of the stone will be cursed until the evil in him consumes him." Despite the warnings, Gabriel managed to remove it this time and immediately felt an immense warmth in him, he felt as if he was burning alive and he lost consciousness. He woke up in his room, Evariste at his side and the famous Claymore.When his father discovered what he had done and also the fact that one of his eyes had changed color, he became violently angry and removed Gabriel from his will and his entire family, sending him into exile and telling him never to return and approach them because he was no longer his son. Gabriel tried to fight but he resigned himself to the fact that his family was one of the great noble families of Ishgard. He looked at his brother one last time before leaving alone in the cold of the Coerthas. For 3 years, he perfected his skills in the art of the Dark Knights with a Master Au'ra. He then became a Master himself and a stray knight. He watched Evariste from afar, his brother not seeming to remember him. He will return to Evariste's life when he learns that he has been captured and he will save him, renewing his relationship with him. Since that day he has always tried to spend some time with him.

MusicIshgardVoid Aether
His pastHis OriginsHis Mentor
KnowledgeRumorsHis work

Rare / Common / Uncommon

  • His right earring was given to his little brother, Evariste. The earring his magical and the closer the two brothers are, the more the earring shine.

  • Hide his left eye under his bandana almost 24/7.

  • Don't like when you touch his hair.

  • He's half fox.

  • His sense of smell is higly developped.

  • Can't get drunk, no matter how much alcohol he consume.

  • Will not hesitate to use informations against people.

  • He is extremely violent if he want to.

  • Often play some piano.

BitingLovey Dovey stuff
BloodBeing submissive
BondageFemales in general
Pain (moderated)(He don't mind androgynous)

Hai and thank you for taking a look at Gabriel. I do RP in-game but also in Discord! My schedule can vary but I'm mostly always here.
Poke me on discord for anything!
English is not my first language so forgive me if I do any grammar mistakes or if I take time to respond. I can adapt to any type of Roleplay, but I do mostly paragraph.

I'm 24yo and I will not RP with anyone under 18.
**IC ≠ OOC **
My character and I are really different, do not take my character's reactions for my own reactions out of the game. I have no intention of dating outside of the game so the relationship would be purely IC.

I DO NOT DO ALTERNATE UNIVERSE RP. (Except for a one night stand.)
AGAIN, NO MULTISHIP WITH MY CHAR. Gabriel live in his main universe and this one only.

Time Zone │Central European Time (CET)/(UTC+1)
Name IG │ Gabriel Hautegar
Server │ Goblin / Crystal DC
Discord │ ɴʏᴀᴠɪɴ#0412
RP Style │ Paragraph
Swearing and mature language is permitted ✓
Sexual content may be described in detail ✓
Extreme violence is permitted ✓